There are a lot of dependency injection framework in the open source swift world with really cool features like object graph, persistence etc. But what if all you need is a lightweight dependencies container? In this post I will show you how to create it by leveraging the Metatype Type, Generics, the Hashable protocol and the Equatable protocol.
The open source Swift world is full of useful framework. You can find almost everything you need (there are rare cases where you need to write something that still doesn't exist out there). Anyway, a lot of the frameworks and libraries you will find out do more than you need. See for example the world of the dependencies injection framework. We have a lot of alternatives from which we can choose: Swinject , Weaver etc. This frameworks come with a lot of features like: object graph construction, injection with property wrappers, instance persistence etc. This are all useful feature, but if your needs are very limited (just a dependecies container register/resolver using protocol and classes) the previous frameworks gives you just a big overhead and complexity on you code. This is why for my recent project I tried to write my own very simple dependencies injector container by leveraging the power of Swift Metatype and the Hashable protocol. Let's go and see the how I created it 😏.
The main class of dependencies injector container is composed by 2 classes: DependeciesContainer
and DependencyKey
The main one stores in the field dependecies
a dictionary of all the dependencies registered using an instance of the
second one. DependeciesContainer
exposes two methods:
register<T>(type: T.Type, name: String? = nil, service: Any)
, that lets you register a new dependency in the
container. It accepts 3 parameter. The first one is the Type
of the dependency. The second one is a string that
let's you identify different named variations of the same dependencies (e.g. you register Cat
and Dog
, two
different implementation of an hypothetical Animal
protocol). The third one is the instance saved in
the dependecies
resolve<T>(type: T.Type, name: String? = nil) -> T?
, that lets you get an instance previously registered. This
method accept the same first two parameter of the previous method. It will return null if none of the registered
instance has a combination of type
and name
as the one received as parameters.
As you can see both method extensively uses generics in order to be able to accept any possible class or protocol you
may want to use. This is the implementation of DependeciesContainer
class DependeciesContainer {
static let shared = DependeciesContainer()
private init() {}
private var dependecies: [DependencyKey : Any] = [:]
func register<T>(type: T.Type, name: String? = nil, service: Any) {
let dependencyKey = DependencyKey(type: type, name: name)
dependecies[dependencyKey] = service
func resolve<T>(type: T.Type, name: String? = nil) -> T? {
let dependencyKey = DependencyKey(type: type, name: name)
return dependecies[dependencyKey] as? T
Now, you can ask some question after seeing this code. First of all, what is a Type
Apple defines it
A metatype type refers to the type of any type, including class types, structure types, enumeration types, and protocol types.
A metatype is the representation of the type of an instance. It allows you to use all of class properties and methods of
a type. It allows also to threat your code as a data. In this specific case we are using the Type
metatype to identify
an instance from its own description.
The second one question that you could ask is: how can you use the DependecyKey
class instances as key in
your dependecies
dictionary? This is possible thanks to the Hashable
and Equatable
protocols. This class
implements the hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
method of the Hashable
protocol by using the combination of type
and name
received from the DependeciesContainer
. In that method I'm putting in the same hasher the type
the name
. In particular for the first one I'm extracting a unique identifier using the ObjectIdentifier
from the Swift Reflection
It also implements the Equatable
protocol using the same fields in
the static func == (lhs: DependencyKey, rhs: DependencyKey) -> Bool
method. By implementing this two protocol a class
could be used as key in a dictionary.
class DependencyKey: Hashable, Equatable {
private let type: Any.Type
private let name: String?
init(type: Any.Type, name: String? = nil) {
self.type = type
self.name = name
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static func == (lhs: DependencyKey, rhs: DependencyKey) -> Bool {
return lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.name == rhs.name
This is all I need for my ultra light dependencies injector 😍!!! Let's see it in action in an example.
protocol Animal {
func isAlive() -> Bool
class Cat: Animal {
func isAlive() -> Bool {
func miaow() -> String {
return "miaow"
class Dog: Animal {
func isAlive() -> Bool {
func bark() -> String {
return "wooof"
class Tiger: Animal {
func isAlive() -> Bool {
func roar() -> String {
return "roar"
protocol Person {
func breath() -> String
class SickPerson: Person {
func breath() -> String {
return "fiuu"
func cough() -> String {
return "cough"
let dc = DependeciesContainer.shared
// Register using class `Type` Dog
dc.register(type: Dog.self, service: Dog())
let dog = dc.resolve(type: Dog.self)!
print(String(describing: dog)) // "__lldb_expr_7.Dog\n"
print(dog.bark()) // "wooof\n"
// Register using protocol `Type` Person
dc.register(type: Person.self, service: SickPerson())
let person = dc.resolve(type: Person.self)!
print(String(describing: person)) // "__lldb_expr_7.SickPerson\n"
print(person.breath()) // "fiuu\n"
print((person as! SickPerson).cough()) // "cough\n"
// Register using protocol `Type` Animal and variations
dc.register(type: Animal.self, name: "Cat", service: Cat())
dc.register(type: Animal.self, name: "Tiger", service: Tiger())
let cat = dc.resolve(type: Animal.self, name: "Cat")!
print(String(describing: cat)) // "__lldb_expr_9.Cat\n"
print((cat as! Cat).miaow()) //"miaow\n"
let tiger = dc.resolve(type: Animal.self, name: "Tiger")!
print(String(describing: tiger)) // "__lldb_expr_9.Tiger\n"
print((tiger as! Tiger).roar()) // "roar\n"
You can find all the code shown in this post in this Github repo. Remember: sometimes with a couple of classes you can avoid to import big frameworks and library into your projects. You just need to study hard the languages and SDK fundamental. 💗