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Coding. Drawing. Fun.
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Coding. Drawing. Fun.

java (14)

React Native is Native: drawing customized background shapes with React Native Skia and React Native SVG
A custom module for Jackson object mapper using Java Service Provider
Unit testing in Kotlin with JUnit 5 and MockK
Spring Boot + Kotlin Rest client cheatsheet: RestTemplate and Webclient
How to: enable Hermes JavaScript engine in your React Native app
Web to native code communication on Android using JavaScript Interfaces
Publish your Progressive Web App to the Google Play Store
End to end (e2e) cross platform testing for your mobile apps with Appium
React Native: a simple architecture for Native Modules communication with your UIViewController on iOS
React Native: a simple architecture for Native Modules communication with your Activities and Fragments on Android
React Native + Typescript, love at first sight. Setup in an existing app
Android Studio vs Xcode vs AppCode: a brief comparison about coding speed
Model View Presenter on Android: unit test for everything
A first approach to contract test