The third of a short series of post in which I describe my two latest project: ID3TagEditor and Mp3ID3Tagger. In this post I will talk about Mp3ID3Tagger, a macOS application to edit id3 tag of your mp3 files.
In this previous post I described the reason why I develop Mp3ID3Tagger, a macOS app to edit the id3 tag of your mp3 files that leverage on the power of ID3TagEditor. Below you can find the app logo.
So how did I develop MP3ID3Tagger? I was about to start the development following the classic approach to develop an app
on every Apple
OS: Model View Controller
and plain Swift. But then I though: "This is the perfect project to test one of the last programming technique I
recently learned: Reactive Programming/Reactive Extensions with RxSwift and RxCocoa!!!!!! In this way I can also try to
use a different architectural pattern:
the Model View ViewModel (MVVM)" :
sunglasses:.What kind of architectural pattern is the MVVM? What are Reactive Programming, Reactive Extensions, RxSwift
and RxCocoa???
Let's start from the first one. The MVVM is an architectural pattern invented by the Microsoft software engineers Ken
Cooper and Ted Peters. As for other architecture
patterns I described in the past
, the MVVM is useful to clearly separate the UI development from the business logic. The main components of the MVVM
From the definition above we see that the MVVM needs something to bind the view to the view model in a platform independent way. This is why we need RxSwift , RxCocoa and Reactive Extensions (usually called ReactiveX). What are they? Let's see some quote for the definitions:
Reactive Extensions (also known as ReactiveX or Rx) is a set of tools allowing imperative programming languages to operate on sequences of data regardless of whether the data is synchronous or asynchronous. It provides a set of sequence operators that operate on each item in the sequence...ReactiveX is API for asynchronous programming with observable streams...RxSwift is the Swift version of ReactiveX (Rx)...RxCocoa is a framework that helps make Cocoa APIs used in iOS and OS X easier to use with reactive techniques...
The main components of RxSwift are:
, that are something which emit notifications of change, and Observers
, that are something which
subscribe to an Observable, in order to be notified when it has changedSubjects
, that are entity that act both as an Observable
and as an Observer
, that are basically functions that work on Observable
and return Observable
So RxSwift and RxCocoa let us create an abstraction from the platform specific UI implementation and let us implement
our ViewModel by working in an event-driven way: the ViewModel only works with streams of data that comes
from Observable
and Subjects
of RxSwift. RxCocoa gives us an abstraction over Cocoa and Cocoa Touch specific
components and let us work with generic observable UI component. This basically means that:
With this architecture we can also think about using the same Model and ViewModel on different platform. So if in the
future I will develop an iOS version of Mp3ID3Tagger, I will only have to develop the View part. So let's start to see
how I implemented Mp3ID3Tagger, the app subject of this post. Let's start from the UI to see how MP3ID3Tagger does look
like. The app has only one screen where the user can input its the data he/she want to insert into the tag. There is a
button on the left to select the cover and all the textual/numeric values on the left. The values that could be set from
a list are implemented as NSPopUpButton
The first building block is the ViewModel
base class. This class is useful to centralize the setup of a disposeBag
The DisposeBag
itโs an RxSwift component that keeps a reference to all the Disposable
you add to it.
The Observable
are Disposable
, so you can add them to it to have an ARC-like behaviour: when the DisposeBag
be released all the Disposable
instances it keeps will be released as well. So by having the ViewModel
base class
all the ViewModel will have a disposeBag
by default where they will add their disposables. As we have seen before the
app just one screen, so there's just one ViewModel
subclass to represent that screen, the Mp3ID3TaggerViewModel
class. This class has 4 properties:
, of type ID3TagReader
. This class has the responsibility to read a tag from an mp3 file when
an openAction
occurs. So ID3TagReader
will be a subscriber of the openAction
, of type ID3TagWriter
. This class has the responsibility to save a new tag to the mp3 file currently
opened (the last openAction
value) when a saveAction
occurs. So ID3TagWriter
will be a subscriber of
the saveAction
, of type Form
. This class has the responsibility to fill the fields of the form on the UI with values of the
ID3tag read by the id3TagReader
when an mp3 file has been opened. It has also the responsibility to collect the data
contained in the form so that the id3TagWriter
can write them when a saveAction
, of type PublishSubject<Bool>
. This subject publishes the result of a save action made by
the id3TagWriter
.class Mp3ID3TaggerViewModel: ViewModel {
let id3TagReader: ID3TagReader
let id3TagWriter: ID3TagWriter
let form: Form
let saveResult: PublishSubject<Bool>
init(openAction: Observable<String>, saveAction: Observable<Void>) {
self.id3TagReader = ID3TagReader(id3TagEditor: ID3TagEditor(), openAction: openAction)
self.id3TagWriter = ID3TagWriter(id3TagEditor: ID3TagEditor(), saveAction: saveAction)
self.form = Form()
self.saveResult = PublishSubject<Bool>()
id3TagReader.read { [unowned self] id3Tag in
self.form.fillFields(using: id3Tag)
id3TagWriter.write(input: Observable.combineLatest(form.readFields(), openAction)) { result in
Now we can see the details of all these collaborators of our view model. Let's start from the ID3TagReader
. This class
keeps a reference to an instance of the ID3TagEditor
. Its main function is read(_ finish: @escaping (ID3Tag?) -> ()
In this function there is the subscribe to the openAction
observable received at construction time (passed by
the Mp3ID3TaggerViewModel
). Each new value received from the openAction
is a path to a new mp3 file. This path is
passed to the ID3TagEditor
instance that read of the ID3 tag of the song. If everything goes well, the tag is returned
to the caller by using the finish
closure. If you remember the Mp3ID3TaggerViewModel
class, in this finish
the form
class is called that execute the fill of the fields (we will see below how it does this operation).
class ID3TagReader {
private let id3TagEditor: ID3TagEditor
private let openAction: Observable<String>
private let disposeBag: DisposeBag
init(id3TagEditor: ID3TagEditor, openAction: Observable<String>) {
self.id3TagEditor = id3TagEditor
self.openAction = openAction
self.disposeBag = DisposeBag()
func read(_ finish: @escaping (ID3Tag?) -> ()) {
openAction.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] path in
do {
let id3Tag = try self.id3TagEditor.read(from: path)
} catch {
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
Then we have the ID3TagWriter
class. Like the ID3TagReader
, this class keeps a reference to an instance of
the ID3TagEditor
. Its main function is write(input: Observable<(ID3Tag, String)>, _ finish: @escaping (Bool) -> ())
This function takes two parameters:
of type Observable<(ID3Tag, String)>
. This is an observable on a tuple composed by the path of an mp3 file
and an ID3 tagfinish
of type (Bool) -> ()
Inside this function there's the subscription to the saveAction
observable received at construction time from
the Mp3ID3TaggerViewModel
class. This observable is combined with the input
observable received as parameter and
described above and a new subscription to the result of the combination is created: each time we receive a path to an
mp3 file, an ID3 tag and a save action is triggered the ID3TagEditor
instance is used to write the ID3 tag to the mp3
file. The called of the write
function of the ID3TagWriter
is notified of the result of the operation by calling
the finish
class ID3TagWriter {
private let id3TagEditor: ID3TagEditor
private let saveAction: Observable<Void>
private let disposeBag: DisposeBag
init(id3TagEditor: ID3TagEditor, saveAction: Observable<Void>) {
self.id3TagEditor = id3TagEditor
self.saveAction = saveAction
self.disposeBag = DisposeBag()
func write(input: Observable<(ID3Tag, String)>, _ finish: @escaping (Bool) -> ()) {
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] event in
do {
try self.id3TagEditor.write(tag: event.0, to: event.1)
} catch {
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Now let's see the Form
class and its collaborators. This class has 5 collaborators. Each collaborator represents a
subset of the form fields. This fields are represented as Variable
subject of the specific type of the fields. In this
way we are able to publish new values (by using the value
property) to this observable and at the same time observe
their values. In fact in this class there are two functions:
, that creates an observable from the fields observables by combining them using the Rx
operator combineLatest
fillFields(using id3Tag: ID3Tag?)
, that sets the value of the fields observables with the received id3 tag (read by
the ID3TagReader when an mp3 file has been opened)Below you can find the Form
class with all the implementations also for its collaborators. In this way it's easy to
note what I stated above: the set of all the Variable
fields of this classes matches the set of the UI components that
we saw in the screenshot of the app that you saw above. One last important thing to note: the
class AttachedPictureField
forces the type of the attached picture to be saved to FrontCover
. In this way the ID3TagEditor will write the ID3 tag with the correct data to display the album cover on my renault clio!!! :
class Form {
let basicSongFields: BasicSongFields
let versionField: VersionField
let trackPositionInSetFields: TrackPositionInSetFields
let genreFields: GenreFields
let attachedPictureField: AttachedPictureField
init() {
self.basicSongFields = BasicSongFields()
self.versionField = VersionField()
self.trackPositionInSetFields = TrackPositionInSetFields()
self.genreFields = GenreFields()
self.attachedPictureField = AttachedPictureField()
func readFields() -> Observable<ID3Tag> {
return Observable.combineLatest(
) { (version, basicFields, trackPositionInSet, genre, image) -> ID3Tag in
return ID3Tag(
version: version,
artist: basicFields.artist,
albumArtist: basicFields.albumArtist,
album: basicFields.album,
title: basicFields.title,
year: basicFields.year,
genre: genre,
attachedPictures: image,
trackPosition: trackPositionInSet
func fillFields(using id3Tag: ID3Tag?) {
fillBasicFieldsUsing(id3Tag: id3Tag)
fillVersionFieldUsing(id3Tag: id3Tag)
fillTrackPositionFieldsUsing(id3Tag: id3Tag)
fillGenreFieldsUsing(id3Tag: id3Tag)
fillAttachedPictureUsing(id3Tag: id3Tag)
private func fillBasicFieldsUsing(id3Tag: ID3Tag?) {
basicSongFields.title.value = id3Tag?.title
basicSongFields.artist.value = id3Tag?.artist
basicSongFields.album.value = id3Tag?.album
basicSongFields.albumArtist.value = id3Tag?.albumArtist
basicSongFields.year.value = id3Tag?.year
private func fillVersionFieldUsing(id3Tag: ID3Tag?) {
if let version = id3Tag?.properties.version.rawValue {
versionField.version.value = Int(version)
private func fillTrackPositionFieldsUsing(id3Tag: ID3Tag?) {
if let trackPosition = id3Tag?.trackPosition {
trackPositionInSetFields.trackPosition.value = String(trackPosition.position)
fillTotalTracksFieldUsing(id3Tag: id3Tag)
private func fillTotalTracksFieldUsing(id3Tag: ID3Tag?) {
if let totalTracks = id3Tag?.trackPosition?.totalTracks {
trackPositionInSetFields.totalTracks.value = String(totalTracks)
private func fillGenreFieldsUsing(id3Tag: ID3Tag?) {
if let genre = id3Tag?.genre {
genreFields.genreIdentifier.value = genre.identifier?.rawValue
genreFields.genreDescription.value = genre.description
private func fillAttachedPictureUsing(id3Tag: ID3Tag?) {
if let validAttachedPictures = id3Tag?.attachedPictures, validAttachedPictures.count > 0 {
attachedPictureField.attachedPicture.value = ImageWithType(data: validAttachedPictures[0].art,
format: validAttachedPictures[0].format)
typealias BasicSongFieldsValues = (title: String?, artist: String?, album: String?, albumArtist: String?, year: String?)
class BasicSongFields {
let title: Variable<String?>
let artist: Variable<String?>
let album: Variable<String?>
let albumArtist: Variable<String?>
let year: Variable<String?>
init() {
self.title = Variable<String?>(nil)
self.artist = Variable<String?>(nil)
self.album = Variable<String?>(nil)
self.albumArtist = Variable<String?>(nil)
self.year = Variable<String?>(nil)
func observe() -> Observable<BasicSongFieldsValues> {
return Observable.combineLatest(
) { title, artist, album, albumArtist, year in
return BasicSongFieldsValues(title: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
albumArtist: albumArtist,
year: year)
class VersionField {
let version: Variable<Int?>
let validVersion: Observable<ID3Version>
init() {
self.version = Variable<Int?>(3)
self.validVersion = version.asObservable().map { (versionSelected) -> ID3Version in
return ID3Version(rawValue: UInt8(versionSelected ?? 0)) ?? .version3
class TrackPositionInSetFields {
let trackPosition: Variable<String?>
let totalTracks: Variable<String?>
let trackPositionInSet: Observable<TrackPositionInSet?>
init() {
self.trackPosition = Variable<String?>(nil)
self.totalTracks = Variable<String?>(nil)
self.trackPositionInSet = Observable.combineLatest(
) { (trackPosition, totalTracks) -> TrackPositionInSet? in
if let validTrackPositionAsString = trackPosition,
let validTrackPosition = Int(validTrackPositionAsString) {
return TrackPositionInSet(position: validTrackPosition,
totalTracks: TrackPositionInSetFields.convertToNumber(totalTracks: totalTracks))
return nil
private static func convertToNumber(totalTracks: String?) -> Int? {
if let validTotalTracks = totalTracks {
return Int(validTotalTracks)
return nil
class GenreFields {
let genreIdentifier: Variable<Int?>
let genreDescription: Variable<String?>
let genre: Observable<Genre?>
init() {
self.genreIdentifier = Variable<Int?>(nil)
self.genreDescription = Variable<String?>(nil)
self.genre = Observable.combineLatest(
) { (genreIdentifier, genreDescription) -> Genre? in
if let validGenre = genreIdentifier,
let validId3Genre = ID3Genre(rawValue: validGenre) {
return Genre(genre: validId3Genre, description: genreDescription)
return nil
class AttachedPictureField {
let attachedPicture: Variable<ImageWithType?>
init() {
self.attachedPicture = Variable<ImageWithType?>(nil)
func observeAttachPictureCreation() -> Observable<[AttachedPicture]?> {
return attachedPicture
.map({ imageWithType in
if let validImageWithType = imageWithType {
return [AttachedPicture(art: validImageWithType.data,
type: .FrontCover,
format: validImageWithType.format)]
} else {
return nil
Now it's time to see the view controller of the app that basically corresponds to the View of the MVVM. Its name
is Mp3ID3TaggerViewController
. This controller will implement a protocol I defined: the BindableView
protocol. This
protocol represents the View part in the MVVM architecture. This protocol must be implemented only by subclasses of
the NSViewController
. The protocol contains a property and a function. The viewModel
forces the class (the View) to
have a property that represents its ViewModel. The function bindViewModel
is where the View and the View model are
bound together. The bindViewModel
must be called inside one the lifecycle methods of the NSViewController
protocol BindableView where Self: NSViewController {
associatedtype ViewModelType
var viewModel: ViewModelType! { get set }
func bindViewModel()
If we look at the implementation of the bindViewModel
method, we can see where something "magical" is happening :
crystal_ball:: an instance of Mp3ID3TaggerViewModel
class is created and the UI components that represents the various
field of the form are bounded to the view model fields by using the custom operator <->
. So this operator let us
define the what is called two way binding or bidirectional binding using RxSwift:
each Variable
field of the view model is bounded to a field on the UI. This basically means that each value we set a
in the value
property of a Variable
field will be displayed on the UI Cocoa specific field.
each value inserted in the UI Cocoa specific field will be set in the corresponding Variable
field on the view
In this way the View Model is completely decoupled from the View part (in this case the NSViewController
). This means
that we can reuse the same ViewModel to create other versions of Mp3ID3Tagger for other platforms. This is absolutely
fantastic! ๐โบ๏ธ. Last but not least in the controller we have also some other functions:
open(_ sender: Any?)
and save(_ sender: Any?)
that manage the open an mp3 file and save of the same filebindSaveAction()
that observe the result of a save actionopenImage(imageUrl: URL)
and bindAttachedPictureField()
that manage the bind and the subscription to an open
action of an image to be used as front cover for the id3 tag.infix operator <-> : DefaultPrecedence
func <-> <T>(property: ControlProperty<T>, variable: Variable<T>) -> Disposable {
let bindToUIDisposable = variable.asObservable()
.bind(to: property)
let bindToVariable = property
.subscribe(onNext: { n in
variable.value = n
}, onCompleted: {
return CompositeDisposable(bindToUIDisposable, bindToVariable)
class Mp3ID3TaggerViewController: NSViewController, BindableView {
private let disposeBag: DisposeBag = DisposeBag()
private let openAction: PublishSubject<String> = PublishSubject<String>()
private let saveAction: PublishSubject<Void> = PublishSubject<Void>()
private let stringToID3ImageExtensionAdapter = StringToID3ImageExtensionAdapter()
var viewModel: Mp3ID3TaggerViewModel!
@IBOutlet weak var versionPopUpbutton: NSPopUpButton!
@IBOutlet weak var fileNameLabel: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var titleTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var artistTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var albumTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var albumArtistField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var yearTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var trackPositionTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var totalTracksTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var genrePopUpMenu: NSPopUpButton!
@IBOutlet weak var genreDescriptionTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var imageSelectionButton: NSButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
func bindViewModel() {
viewModel = Mp3ID3TaggerViewModel(openAction: openAction.asObservable(), saveAction: saveAction.asObservable())
(titleTextField.rx.text <-> viewModel.form.basicSongFields.title).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(artistTextField.rx.text <-> viewModel.form.basicSongFields.artist).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(albumTextField.rx.text <-> viewModel.form.basicSongFields.album).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(albumArtistField.rx.text <-> viewModel.form.basicSongFields.albumArtist).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(yearTextField.rx.text <-> viewModel.form.basicSongFields.year).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(versionPopUpbutton.rx.selectedItemTag <-> viewModel.form.versionField.version).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(trackPositionTextField.rx.text <-> viewModel.form.trackPositionInSetFields.trackPosition).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(totalTracksTextField.rx.text <-> viewModel.form.trackPositionInSetFields.totalTracks).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(genrePopUpMenu.rx.selectedItemTag <-> viewModel.form.genreFields.genreIdentifier).disposed(by: disposeBag)
(genreDescriptionTextField.rx.text <-> viewModel.form.genreFields.genreDescription).disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func bindAttachedPictureField() {
.filter({ $0 != nil })
.subscribe(onNext: { self.imageSelectionButton.image = NSImage(data: $0!.data) })
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
imageSelectionButton.rx.tap.subscribe(onNext: { tap in
NSOpenPanel.display(in: self.view.window!,
fileTypes: ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"],
title: "Select an Image file",
onOkResponse: self.openImage)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func bindSaveAction() {
.subscribe(onNext: { (result) in
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.addButton(withTitle: "Ok")
alert.messageText = result ? "Mp3 saved correctly!" : "Error during save!"
alert.beginSheetModal(for: self.view.window!, completionHandler: nil)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func openImage(imageUrl: URL) {
if let image = try? Data(contentsOf: imageUrl) {
let type = self.stringToID3ImageExtensionAdapter.adapt(format: imageUrl.pathExtension)
self.viewModel.form.attachedPictureField.attachedPicture.value = ImageWithType(data: image, format: type)
self.imageSelectionButton.image = NSImage(data: image)
@IBAction func open(_ sender: Any?) {
NSOpenPanel.display(in: self.view.window!,
fileTypes: ["mp3"],
title: "Select an MP3 file",
onOkResponse: {
self.fileNameLabel.stringValue = $0.lastPathComponent
@IBAction func save(_ sender: Any?) {
We're done with Mp3ID3Tagger. I hope you liked my architectural choices and how I developed it by leveraging the power of RxSwift and RxCocoa ๐๐. Obviously don't forget to see the official Mp3ID3Tagger repo and obviously to download the Mp3ID3Tagger app from this link and use it!!! ๐๐