I'm Fabrizio Duroni, a software developer with many years of experience. I have a strong knowledge of the following languages: C++, Objective-C, Swift, C, Java, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin. I develop mobile app since 2010 and web application since 2005. I'm also passionate about computer graphics.
Physically based ray tracer with multiple shading models support and Color Rendering Index (CRI) evaluation. Project developed for my master degree thesis at University Milano-Bicocca - Imaging and Vision Laboratory.
An iOS OpenGL ES application inspired by Walt Animation Disney Studios BRDF Viewer. A simple application that shows some of the most famous lighting model used in computer graphics and that supports color calculation using RGB and spectral data of lights and object surfaces.
A Swift library to read and modify ID3 Tag of any mp3 file. Supported ID3 tag version: 2.2. and 2.3. Listed in the implementations section of the official ID3 standard website id3.org. It supports the following operating systems: iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, Linux.
A highly customizable iOS range selection slider, developed using autolayout and completely customizable using IBDesignabled and IBInspectable.Compatible with SwiftUI Distributed as a custom framework and with cocoapods.
A SwiftUI custom TabBar view with action button for modal content display. Fully compatible with Mac Catalyst. Available as a standalone framework, a SwiftPM package and as a Cocoapods pod.